Ergonomics and Human Factors is a scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and their tasks, jobs, products, environments and systems. Theories, principles, data and methods are applied to the design and evaluation in order to optimise human well-being, safety and overall system performance.
There is great potential for ergonomics and human factors to raise its profile especially with Covid-19, when human behaviour in the work environment; individuals capabilities and limitations (physical and psychosocial), productivity levels and physical and mental wellbeing are more important than ever. No longer are considering ergonomics and human factors as a niceity; there are now essential for addressing social sustainability in the workplace and tackling the issues of wellbeing in the workplace.
The challenge is getting employers to see the benefits of ergonomics and where it fits in with a sound health and safety work culture, promoting not just safe practices but understanding how incorporating good, ergonomic principals, can create that 'win-win' scenario for employees' wellbeing and their business's bottom line. How are happy workers and increased profits achieved? By improving employees comfort levels, safety, satisfaction and morale these then lead to reduced absenteeism, increased staff retention, efficiency, quality out-put and productivity.
Ergo & Wellbeing Ltd are a ergonomics and human factors consultancy which specialise in human behaviour in the work environment; capabilities and limitations (physical and psychosocial), wellbeing, human and system performance.
We are passionate about sharing our knowledge and understanding of applying ergonomic and human factors principals and how they make a significant difference to human life, wellbeing and safety whilst reducing risks of harm associated with mental and physical health. They’re always looking to promote their significant benefits in all workplace settings, particularly in manufacturing and the design of the modern workspace.
With a common sense and practical approach creating an ergonomic culture can produce a 'win-win' scenario for employees wellbeing and their business's bottom line. That's the holy grail of ergonomics and human factors! Employees are a business's most valuable assets! Fact - happy, healthy, valued workers work better.
Has your organisation considered having an ergonomic review? Contact Ergo & Wellbeing today.