Holistic design and the need to reconnect with nature for well-being to be the main features for built environment design in 2021
According to an article by Rockfon “The growing awareness of sustainability, holistic design and the need to reconnect with nature for well-being is going to be the main features of 2021.”
In summary;
📌Sustainability (particularly human sustainability)
📌Holistic design
📌Reconnecting with nature (biophilic design)
📌Indoor comfort
📌Consideration of materials used
📌Use of space
📌End-user (occupant) behaviours & experience...
These mentioned are only some of the many elements included in the specialist area of Human Factors in the Built Environment...
#builtenvironment #humanfactors
#biophilicdesign #sustainability #architecture #occupantexperience
If you’d like to know more or need any consultation, please get in touch.